Tuesday, July 21, 2009

They're leaving

Today is the day most of my American friends are leaving. I have so much I want to say, but limited battery time to say it all. The time in Puebla (in the mountains) was amazing. It was hard to be there for just a few days and see that kind of poverty and desperation. But despite the sucky accomodations (no hot water, and sleeping on a concrete floor on blow-up rafts), and enduring such things as hearing a pig being slaughtered, I almost can't wait to go back. The way God is moving there is astounding! We went to 2 towns in Puebla. One is Zapotitlan, and the other I don't remember the name of. In that town as we were having the church service, there was a Catholic priest on an overhead speaker who was telling people not to listen to us and to go in their houses and lock their doors because of us foreigners. And yet people came and listened. Before we were done, they turned off the lights on us in the little outside arena we were speaking in. And yet people stayed. Many people came to receive prayer that night, probably more because it was dark. They didn't care that we prayed for them in Enligsh, because the Spirit of the Lord was moving and it was evident.

Well, because of my limited battery, here's the quick version. After that town, we went to Zapotitlan. We prayer walked there, hung out with the kids, some of the men went back to the first town to install toilets in a home, and we had a service that night. We left Puebla on Friday, ministered at a church service in the city, crashed at host families' houses and went to a Quince Anos on Saturday. Sunday we ministered at Agrupacion Familiar Cristiana (my home church in Mexico), and had a service somewhere on the street somewhere else Sunday night. Yesterday, we performed dramas at a VBS at another church in the city and spent the afternoon and evening sightseeing, shopping, and spending time together as a team.

It has been an amazing time! Today I'm headed to my family's vacation home and will be back .... well, I'm not really sure. They don't tell me anything. I'm sure that will be a good time and I'm sad because my extended Mexican family is leaving today or tomorrow to go back home and I don't know that I'll see them again.

Man! So much more to share....I want to tell you about Joanna & Rodrigo, and the view from my 1st host family's house, and getting to know Ben....plus funny stories like the proposal con pollo. But I will soon!

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