Saturday, July 25, 2009

Good Day

Just want to blog quick before bed. If it seems early to be going to bed, that's because the time on my blog is off. Maybe on day I'll fix it.
Most of my day was spent hanging at church with some guys--Noe and Juan Manuel mostly. Noe is very entertaining, and Juan is very nice and he speaks English. At least he did until Pastor Gerardo said no one's allowed to speak to me in English anymore. They made me a great breakfast consisting of eggs with tomatoes and onions, and tortillas. As they were cooking, all I could think about was how dirty their hands were. Oh well! I ate it anyhow.
This evening I attended a school of ministry class that seemed really good. It was about healing, and either I understood a good bit of it or it wasn't on healing and I understood nothing at all.
Some of my highlights from the day are: having a chance to talk to Pastor Gerardo about what I want to do, asking someone's name and getting the answer "he's married", having every person sitting around the table ask me in Spanish and English if I want some chicken, getting told I have beautiful eyes, and watching some men play football in the church. All in all it was a good, but long day. And I'm going to bed.

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