Friday, July 24, 2009


You know those songs that get stuck in your head? One of mine is the cebu song from Veggietales. The word for onion in Spanish is cebolla and is pronounced something like say-boy-yah. When I learned it I must have associated it with cebu because I've never forgotten it, and whenever I see an onion the cebu song pops into my head. I know it's weird, just sharing whatever comes to mind.
This morning Clair and Ben left me. Ben's still here in Mexico City, we just won't be living together. Um...wait...not quite how that sounds. Not that we were living together just ... staying with the same family. There it is! Good explanation, right? Ben thinks we're not going to be friends now, but he's wrong cause I'm a pretty good stalker. Well, that and I live with a family who cooks well and he lives with another guy. They won't be able to pass up dinner invites.
Right now I'm hanging at the church with some Christian brothers. I'm here waiting. Go ahead ask me what I'm waiting for. I have no stinkin idea! The pastor maybe??? I'm just going to wait until I'm told to go. Then I'll probably go wait somewhere else. Such is life in Mexico. :)

1 comment:

  1. mmmm...learning how to wait huh!? teach me what you learn. love, rach
