Thursday, October 15, 2009

I know I need to update my blog, but I just don't really want to do it. But I'm determined to accomplish this task today!

Right now I'm in Mexico City. For reference, if I say Mexico or DF that's Mexico City. I'm heading back to Zapotitlan this weekend. On Monday Israel & his family are coming to Mexico and leaving Ben and I in charge of the home, and church for 6 days. That should be interesting. :) Thankfully, Ben's Spanish is better than mine.

I know I'm supposed to be learning a lesson about self-sacrifice, but I don't get it. It's a hard lesson for me to learn, and I'm ok admitting that because I'm trying. I believe that trying is important, especially since God knows that sometimes the doing is hard.

At the end of October, I plan to come back to Mexico for most of the remainder of my time here. I may go spend 1 more week in Zapo at the end. But I really want to take some Spanish classes before I leave. Unfortunately, it's not looking like I will be able to afford classes, so I'm going to see how the church can help out. I figure, if I'm able to teach English, someone should be able to teach me Spanish...right? Hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the update - and it was GOOD talking on the phone :-) yeah, its easy doing something when i feel like it...WAY different when i don't feel like it... R
