Sunday, September 20, 2009


It's been one week since we got back from Zapotitlan, and what a week it's been! September 16 is independence day and a pretty major holiday. Lots going on, lots to see. Mexico City is a great place to be all the time, but especially at this time of year.

I've been trying to write this post for a few days and haven't known where to go with it. I decided I have so many random thoughts floating through my head, I'm going to express them all here.

On Friday evening, there was a shooting on the Mexican metro. It happened on the same day I decided to ride it alone for the first time. There's an image from the news that keeps haunting me. The shooter was doing graffiti and when a guard asked him to stop, he shot guard. Everyone fled the scene. Except this one guy. I can't seem to shake the image of this man, he wasn't uniformed and I don't know if he was a cop or not. He just kept running at the shooter. Again, and again, even though he was apparently unarmed, he kept running at him. That man had to know he was going to die to save all those people. He had to know that eventually the gunman would shoot him. But all alone, next to the metro train, he charged at the man several times. I have to wonder what was going through his head as he laid down his life. Perhaps he knew some people on that train, but most he doesn't. It was possibly one of the greatest displays of love I've ever seen. Maybe he didn't know it was love, but it was because John 15:13 says Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Last night papa Roberto stopped me from putting something in the microwave because he thought I was putting something metal in it. I wasn't. Why would he think I don't know any better?

Because Ben is so smart, a certain Mexican who is learning English wanted to ask him if he got good grades in school. (I'm going to use a bad word, so if that offends you don't read the next sentence.) But the person mispronounced A's, and asked Ben if he got a lot of ass in college. I try not laugh when Mexicans mess up English, but that time I laughed hard.

Faith. I hear people say things like, "I wish I had your faith" or "pray for me because I need more faith." Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think faith is given out in quantities. I don't think one person has more faith than another. I think it's more like muscles. Like I have as many muscles in my arms as, say...Ben, but his are bigger because he has used them more. I think we all have faith, but you have to use it for it to get bigger. You can argue with this in all kinds of ways, but generally I would say if you think God is telling you to do something, take a step. If you don't have enough faith to go any further, take another step. If you're worried that God won't meet your needs, take a step to glorify him. Eventually it's easier to take leaps because you meet him at every step you take. Well, it's something like that. But that also doesn't mean I think you should run like crazy not knowing if you're in God's will. In those times, you need to seek his face. Well, all the time you need to seek his face like crazy!

1 comment:

  1. that IS word, i would of kept laughing until it was out of my head. :-) amen and agree with faith...muscle...step...and step again...and seek like crazy...yep, agree...amen. btw, metal can't go in microwaves??!! ;o)
