Saturday, August 15, 2009

La Proxima Semana

If there is one phrase I learned during my time in Zapotitlan, it's la proxima semana--next week. It seemed like everything got planned for next week, and next week it got pushed back until next week. Next week never comes.

One of the best things about Zapotitlan is that it looks like that. That's a shot from on the roof. The other great part about it is the people, they're so friendly. I have learned to enjoy being there more than I did when I first got there. Which is good since I'm going back for a month. During that month I plan on working with Ben to staert a vegetable garden and maybe even get some chickens to raise. I also really desire to work more with the youth doing some discipleship, but the language barrier is most definitely a problem. Also I am hoping to teach some English classes since so many people seem to want to learn. I think that will be a good way of building relationships and helping folks see that we're not as scary as some might think.

I love living with Israel and Abby (the pastor & his wife), they're great people who work hard and have a lot of fun. I'm also glad that Ben is coming along because he just seems to make life more fun and more interesting. He also sometimes challenges the way I think and some of my beliefs, and being challenged is good.

I feel like I need to blog more details, but I just don't really know what to say. Right now I'm in Mexico City, tonight we'll be going to church for some kind of Bible classes and tomorrow hopefully my family will be in church so I can go home with them for a few days. I'm staying with the pastor's family right now while my family is at their vacation home. I haven't seen my family since before their trip to PA, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.

We're planning on heading to Zapotitlan on Wednesday, but in Mexican time that could be Friday...or la proxima semana. It's all about going with the flow.


  1. soooooooooo, i'll see ya proxima semana?!!! ;-) i would totally help you and farmer Ben plant wittle seeds. Zucchini grows like wild-fire...there's Rach's helpful hint. ;-)

  2. Becky - miss you sister! but it sounds like you are doing great! God gave me some Divine strategy that I want to impart to you and I've already shared it with Elena...Pay Pal has a donate button that you can add to your blog!! I've done it already and added to mine, Elena did it as well and I know she has gotten at least one donation...just throwing it out there to you, for you -- It would very handy if let's just say, if I could hop on your blog, like i am now, and click on your donate button to fund your mission...holla back sis!! hasta leugo!
