Friday, September 18, 2009

Russian food and Mexican lights

Last night I got in trouble with my Mexican papa. Would it sound terrible if I said it was worth it? To me at least, I think my Mexican parents would say otherwise.

Recently my family acquired a new member. I now have sort of a host-brother. Previously, it was just my 3 sisters and I, but now we have Chucho. He's 19, a good friend of the family and a really good guy. He's starting college soon, and he'll be staying with us. I should mention Chucho doesn't speak any English, but he's going to learn.

Yesterday afternoon I told Chucho (which is a nickname for Jesus), in my best Spanish, that I was going to Insugentes to meet up with Ben & Eliezer, we were going out for dinner, then to Zocalo for a light show and asked if he wanted to come. He said he did, and around 5:00 off we went. It was a huge relief to mama that I wasn't going to attempt traveling alone.

We had no problems meeting up and getting to restaurant. The only problem was that sometimes I don't so much enjoy Ben's relaxed, we'll-just-keep-walking-around-and-around-until-we-figure-it-out nature. We ended up at a Russian restaurant, which was good. It's not a place a would rave about, but it's a place I'd go to again.

Once our tummies were full, we hopped the metro and headed to Zocalo. In Zocalo is a square that is described on a website as "massive concrete area signed with a giant flag". It has the the National Palace on one side, a cathedral on another, and city hall on another. Because Independence Day was 2 days before, the buildings in the square are magnificently decorated in lights, and there are people dancing, performing, and throwing lighted objects into the air. And, man, are there people. The four of us wiggled through the crowd and found a place close to the palace to watch the light show which is on the front of the palace.

Words can't even describe how magnificent the light show was. I feel to use the words light show doesn't do it justice. You are standing there, looking at the palace as it lights up and the facade seems to move in waves. Before you know it you're watching as flowers appear to have grown on the front of the palace, skeletons appear and dance, and it's turned into a huge aquarium, not to mention various other effects. Truly amazing, or at least that's what Chucho said. Ben videoed the whole thing but, obviously, the videos don't do it justice.

So, you're probably wondering where the getting in trouble part comes in. It seems that when the gringa and 19 yr old faux brother get home a bit after 11:00, it causes quite the stir. Sometimes it's hard to be grown and living by someone's rules. But I know it's my choice to either follow their rules, or find a new place to live. So for now I'll be a rule-follower.

1 comment:

  1. i remember talking to you about this topic...that you actually like rules... :-)

    of course, praying...Abba reminds me of ya ;-)

